
Road milk truck manufacturer in China

Milk and other liquid food are just for eating, so we should know what materials they are manufactured for our health. Ok, let me introduce the milk trucks, liquid food tank trucks from Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd.

Road milk truck, from the name we just know that it is just a tank truck to store and deliver milk, etc. Milk is just the liquid food, so we can use this kind tank truck to store and deliver some liquid food, such as fresh ewe’s milk, milk, fresh fruit juices, edible oil, bulk beer, etc. The most important function and advantage of the liquid food truck is that perfect insulation and anti-corrosive, assuring the products the temperature range changes between 1 ℃ within 24 hours.

The tanker from Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd. having three layers: inner tanker, 3-4mm 304/2B food grade stainless steel sheet, the middle layer is 80mm polyurethane foam material. Milk tanker semi-trailer manhole part is used 60mm thickness polyurethane foam. The insulation effect is temperature range among 2-3℃ in 24hours. The tanker outside is 2mm thickness 304 stainless steel sheet. The inner tanker has cleaning device, cleaning rod/ball, cleaning pipe (the diameter 38mm), 4 or more rotating nozzles, connecting hose, small pressure then clean the inner tanker automatically. The inner tanker asks for clean and bright, non acute angle. Usually, we install PIC (cleaning device) in every milk warehouse. When the distance is more than 500km, we should install small freezer unit. The milk tanker truck has two type: single truck, and semi-trailer. At present, Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd. have the certificate to manufacture and sale milk tanker truck. The manufacturing crafts and technical standard are perfect.

